The group HolddalaNap (‘MoonSingsSun’, or ‘The Moon with the Sun’) was founded by well-known and experienced Hungarian folk musicians. With their debut album ‘Dandala‘ 2015, soon they were selected to the 10 groups who could represent hungarian world music in Fono Café, the 0th day before the WOMEX 2015 in Budapest. They have participated at WOMEX 2017 and 2018 as exhibitors, and thanks to the blooming co-operations they made, they had concerts and workshop at the National Ethnographic Museum of Warsaw in Mazurka Festival. There second album was released in 2018, by NarRator Records.
“ What they do in the song Hold és felhő (‘Moon and Cloud’)should be taught in a world music class. The final song on the album (Itt ülök fenn kerek mennyben ‘I sit here in Round Heaven’) which is a cover of a Transylvanian prayer, is one of the best thing what happened in the modern folk scene lately.” (Mihály Rácz, Lángológitárok)
CONTACT: // Gulyás Anna +36 30 458 7129