On the occasion of WOMEX we prepared an overview of the Hungarian folk and world music market with the help of Hungarian Heritage House (Hagyományok Háza), Fonó and Hangvető.

The concept of the brochure was based on WOMEX20 organized in Budapest – we considered it important to take advantage of the opportunities to make the market of Hungarian folk and world music as transparent as possible for professionals as well as people that are simply like this genre of music. We asked Balázs Weyer’s help, who, as a member of the WOMEX jury, The 7 Samurai, was able to meet first-hand Hungarian folk and world music productions that are ready for export. We also involved two of Hungary’s leading, well-known and internationally recognized market participants, Fonó and Hungarian Heritage House (Hagyományok Háza). They contributed with their extensive knowledge to the selection of bands.

In addition to the bands, we gathered a bunch of festivals with folk and world music performers; labels; venues where this genre of music programs can be found and which can provide opportunities for foreign artists to perform; organizations that can be a possible international partner institution.
Due to the COVID-19 situation, WOMEX can’t be orgazined in its original form, so we decided to make the Hungarian World Music Guide available to everyone online. Our goal is to make the colorful and exciting Hungarian folk and world music scene more visible in the world – according to our plans, we will expand the brochure from time to time with additional bands and other market participants, and we hope to have the opportunity to welcome WOMEX again in Budapest in the future.
The Hungarian World Music Guide is available here for free!