
The word parapács means nifty, down-to-earth, well spoken fellow in Transylvanian dialects. The musicians we grew up listening to were all such nifty fellows, and they inspired us to start a band in 2007. When Gábor Dragony on first violin joined us in 2010 the Parapács recipe was ready, we made our base in Tornalja (Slovakia) and started to collect music in the surrounding Uplands and in Transylvania, where we could learn the craft of honed village musicians. We won „Peacock”(Fölszállott a Páva) talent show in 2012 in the category folk ensemble, and released our first album Bëbocsātlak featuring authentic music from the Uplands in 2014. Bálint Tárkány-Kovács joined our ranks on the cimbalom in 2018. Playing with the National Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Zoltán Kocsis at the “Only from a pure source” (Csak Tiszta Forrásból) concert in 2015 was one of the proudest moments of our career so far.

CONTACT: / +36 30 692 1908

Naszály Band

Members of Naszály met under Naszály Hill, studying in the conservatory in Vác. They play authentic Hungarian folk music as a band since 2013; accompany various dance troupes (Kincső, Kis-Csepel and Lenvirág Folk Dance Groups) and play at dancehouse events. As we regard it our mission to show and pass on our folk music heritage to younger generations, we like to play in schools and kindergartens, as well as play for a wider audience at cultural and gastronomic events dedicated to this tradition. We present Hungarian folk music abroad, be it for the Hungarian communities across the border, other European countries or even overseas. Teaching folk music is among our future ambitions.

Czaier Péter +36 30 402 2494 // Horváth Balázs +36203292595

Arató Band

What distinguishes our band are the female first violinist, Luca Réka Tóth, and the tireless diligence with which we learn, research and play folk music. We set up our band in 2009 to play authentic Hungarian folk music, and try and capture the musical essence of each region. Village musicians, revival artists and our own drive guide us on the way. Apart from playing together, we teach music, organize events and make field recordings. Concerts at dancehouses, at MUPA – Palace of Arts, at parties, weddings and marches bear witness to the band’s skill. We are keen to show Hungarian folk music to audiences at home and abroad. You can find our music on Youtube and the recordings of the Dancehouse series. Our violinist received the Junior Prima award in 2018.


Borsa Band

We practice various professions, but folk music is part of our everyday lives since over a decade. During our studies of classical and church music the musical heritage of Moldavia has become increasingly important. Our first ad hoc gig was followed by regular dancehouses, so we had to find a name: we came up with Borsa. We eagerly study recordings and grab every chance to meet people from Moldavia. We tell folktales within and outside of the border, we play at dancehouses in Piliscsaba and Budapest.

CONTACT: / +36 20 282 0248

Pengetős Trio

The long-lost cousins – the zither, the tambourine and the kobza – meet in the music of Pengetős (Plunking) Trio and they have a lot to discuss. The Trio’s repertoire is absolutely unique thanks to the previously unknown consonance of these three instruments. The band reconstructs and remakes folk music heritage to its own image with an open mind, creativity and humility at the same time.

CONTACT: / +36 20 491 6837 


Csángálló formed with Sára Csobán and Tamás Bősze Jean-Pierre in the lead. They have since become familiar faces on the Hungarian folk music and world music scene; regular performers at dancehouses, clubs, theatres and summer festivals, and regularly tour abroad. They visit Transylvania, the Gyimes valley and Moldavia their favourite destinations, to draw inspiration for their music from its original source. They are recurring artist of Music de l’Europe Festival showcasing various roots bands. They have worked with internationally renowned musicians such as Tcha Limberger or Lajkó Félix. They share with latter artist the memorable opening of O.Z.O.R.A. festival, where they played for more than 20,000 people. Their first album was released the same year by Fonó Records, titled “Fel az úton…” (Up the road). The release made it to the top ten of world music albums of Lángoló Gitárok magazine. Their latest album Naplopók (Layabouts) features the song Eleven Taktus (Lively Beat) featured on the world music CD compiled by Béla Halmos Programme for WOMEX.

CONTACT: / +36 20 332 6272